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Sponsored: How Counseling/Therapy (and Technology) are Changing the Mental Health Scene

Sponsored: How Counseling/Therapy (and Technology) are Changing the Mental Health Scene


Last updated on Jan, 03 2020

Until recent times, mental health was considered to be a taboo topic that nobody could openly talk about. While dialogues have started to trickle, the stigma and lack of awareness attached to mental health still persist.

India’s Mental Health Crisis

According to a report published by WHO, nearly 20% of the Indian population will struggle with mental illness by 2020. Out of these, only 10 to 12% sufferers will be in a position to seek help. This gap between mental health patients and professionals arises from a lack of awareness, associated stigma, and limited access to professional help. As a matter of fact, only 3,800 psychiatrists and 898 clinical psychologists are available from a pool of 936,000 doctors in India! Further, mental health conditions will contribute to an economic loss of $1.3 trillion between 2012 and 2030.
It has come to light that women are twice as more likely to develop mental health disorders. Reports highlight how they battle common mental health issues like anxiety, depression (including post-partum depression), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Suicide has emerged as the leading cause of death in women and teenage girls between 15 to 19 years, surpassing maternal mortality. This alarming deterioration in mental health is a result of increased expectations, gender-based violence, crushing pressure, gender stereotypes, no active discussion or dialogue, and absence of counselors and therapists.

What is Counseling/Therapy? How Does it Work?

Therapy or counseling is the process of meeting a therapist to treat emotional, behavioral, or mental issues. It can attempt to resolve irrational beliefs, problematic behaviors, relationship problems, and somatic responses. It helps you break self-destructive habits, change behavior patterns, improve relationships, and resolve painful underlying emotions.
The principal behind speech therapy or psychotherapy is that talking about your emotions, thoughts, and feelings can make you feel better. Voicing your fears, inhibitions, or worries can have a healing and therapeutic effect on the speaker. Most importantly, participating in this activity with a trained and supportive individual will make the sufferer feel better as they feel heard, cared for, and understood.

Role of Technology: Bridging the Treatment Gap

Given the stark paucity of qualified psychiatrists and therapists, technology has emerged as a platform that is increasing accessibility of mental health support. Various startups have mushroomed to offer remote counseling and therapy for those seeking help. Online therapy and counseling are proving to be as effective as one-on-one sessions, and the positive reception to mental health applications is proof of that. These technological innovations are a breath of fresh air for those living in Tier 2, 3, and 4 cities, who are deprived of support.
These online mental health platforms are also useful for trained and experienced psychotherapists to offer their services to a broader clientele. A career in online therapy will not only improve your credentials but will also help you feel accomplished as you reach out to those in need.

Final Thoughts

Mental health issues are real, and so are those affected by them. Finding a therapist who you can trust and who understands you is like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, online mental health platforms are making it easier by erasing geographical borders or distance. With apps offering 24/7 support, mental health patients will no longer feel helpless and can take charge of the situation. While a robust Government-backed regulatory framework is still awaited, it appears that technology intervention shall now lead the fight against mental health issues.


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